Magnus Baneryd

Magnus Baneryd

 Alias: Magnus Baneryd
 Company: Episerver AB
 Location: Sweden
 About me: .

CRP Information

Level: Citizen
Total contribution points: 352 (gain 23 points more to level up)

Score Distribution

Posted on: Jan 24, 2017

I'm not a React.JS expert so there is a risk that I haven't written the best React code in this blog post! We will be creating a new Version Listin...

Posted on: Sep 13, 2016

Remove support for legacy dot notation for dojo modules We are removing the support for the legacy dot notation for dojo modules, e.g. epi-cms.edit...

Posted on: Sep 01, 2014

Projects is our first Beta feature in the Edit UI, and the reason for it being beta is that we want to gather feedback from you on what we can...

Posted on: Jan 26, 2010

I am sad to announce that we had to do a behavioral change in the gadget Ajax framework. Previously when you did an Ajax call (using the gadget...

Posted on: Jan 18, 2010

  Are you tired of writing all your HTML views in regular ASP.NET? Are you tired of having to write strange Html like <$If(…){%> Hola <%}%> syntax?...

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