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Level: Contributing Citizen
Total contribution points: 1132 (gain 368 points more to level up)

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Posted on: Oct 06, 2015

We had a requirement to limit the number of instances of a particular page type within parts of the page tree. I developed a simple attribute and...

Posted on: Oct 28, 2014

After reading this blog post I was inspired to make an EPiServer CMS Admin Plug-in to allow a Type remap in the DDS to be done direct from the site...

Posted on: Apr 11, 2012

It seems that many people have had problems when upgrading an EPiServer CMS site to 6 R2 with the last part of the upgrade script. What this tries ...

Posted on: Oct 05, 2011

The first round of upgrades to took place last night. The site now has a cleaner design as well as package searching and sortin...

Posted on: Sep 22, 2011

I have added 2 new packages to the EPiServer Nuget feed which removes the need to distribute EPiServer assemblies with your packages. EPiServer.CMS...