Shahid nawaz

Shahid nawaz

 Alias: Shahid nawaz
 Company: Episerver AB
 Location: Sweden

CRP Information

Level: Participating Citizen
Total contribution points: 632 (gain 118 points more to level up)

Score Distribution

Posted on: Apr 10, 2014

In EPiServer 7.5 if you upgrade to latest update through nuget ( starting from update-6 ) you might get a license error something like : Current...

Posted on: Jan 31, 2014

I hope most of you have already observed a new license type added under EPiServer 7 when creating a developer license on license center .   Well,...

Posted on: Apr 10, 2012

Update1: A new version of EPiServer Relate2 R2 has been uploaded under download section on episerver world after some bug fixes. This version is al...

Posted on: Dec 13, 2010

Every now and then we are being asked different license issues after upgrading to CMS-6 enterprise and load balancing. As I wrote in my previous po...

Posted on: Oct 18, 2010

Since the launch of Mirroring 2.0 , life has been made easy for EPiServer developers ( Thanks to dev team ). In this blog post I’ll try to share my...

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