Erik Nordin Wahlberg

Erik Nordin Wahlberg

 Alias: Erik Nordin Wahlberg
 Company: Disco Works AB
 Location: Sweden
 About me: Experienced developer, system architect, technical project manager with extensive knowledge in EPiServer. Enjoys the challenge of creating seamless integrations between different systems, e.g. web, product databases, CRM-systems, search engines. Co-founder of Disco Works.

CRP Information

Level: Esteemed Citizen
Total contribution points: 1582 (gain 1418 points more to level up)

Score Distribution

Syndicated blog - Posted on: Nov 23, 2016

The current TinyMCE version in Episerver has some flaws which are a bit of a pain for editors. One of them is when using Chrome/Safari and pasting...

Syndicated blog - Posted on: May 19, 2016

Searching in the navigation bar with multiple sites, multiple languages and a lot of content rarely gives you the result you want.  Or.. To be...

Syndicated blog - Posted on: Mar 07, 2016

Here are two code snippets to help you make a XhtmlString display external links instead of the internal ones and also render blocks, dynamic conte...

Syndicated blog - Posted on: Feb 22, 2016

We just migrated a system from a custom built CMS into EPiServer. If the editor added a link to an unpublished page in the old CMS, it was...

Syndicated blog - Posted on: May 05, 2015

With the old VPP file system you could create a new version of a file by right click the file and select Create new version. With the new file syst...