Tore Gjerdrum

Tore Gjerdrum Gjerdrum

 Alias: Tore Gjerdrum
 Company: Epinova AS
 Location: Norway

CRP Information

Level: Participating Citizen
Total contribution points: 449 (gain 301 points more to level up)

Score Distribution

Syndicated blog - Posted on: Sep 30, 2011

Have you ever had problems with the Dashboard giving you 404 in EPiServer before? That is probably because you have forgotten to configure  the IIS...

Syndicated blog - Posted on: Nov 05, 2010

Have you ever wanted the Scheduler to log to a file for debugging purposes? Here is a way for enabling it.

Syndicated blog - Posted on: May 30, 2010

Have you ever used the PageTypeBuilder in an EPiServer project? If not, you should definitely take a look at it.

Syndicated blog - Posted on: May 30, 2010

Have you ever wanted to store settings for an application or a module in another place than appsettings or your own config section?

Syndicated blog - Posted on: Mar 23, 2010

This worked fine, but after some time the customer reported a bug that it was not possible to get the SearchDataSource to return search hits in the...