Sergii Vorushylo

Sergii Vorushylo

 Alias: Sergii Vorushylo
 Company: Episerver AB
 Location: Sweden

CRP Information

Level: Contributing Citizen
Total contribution points: 910 (gain 590 points more to level up)

Score Distribution

Posted on: Oct 29, 2019

We just have released  Deployment API  in DXC-S as an Open  Beta  program. This feature allows partners and customers to automate deployment to DXC...

Posted on: Dec 19, 2017

Scheduled jobs is one of the essential features of Episerver platform. The main purpose of scheduled jobs is to execute in background repeatable...

Posted on: Nov 13, 2015

Recently I got a question if there is a way to transfer EPiServer Find optimizations from one index to another. By optimizations here I mean...

Posted on: Jul 31, 2015

In the latest version of EPiServer Find, we have added a new feature for editors. It’s Customized Search Block . This feature provides editors with...

Posted on: Dec 03, 2013

In the new version of EPiServer 7.5 we have added a new feature to the Add-On system – command line operations support. The web interface is still...

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