Mark Everard

Mark Everard

 Alias: Mark Everard
 Company: First Three Things
 Location: United Kingdom
 About me: With a PhD in Physics, Mark is rooted in the scientific method and has held a variety of technology leadership roles. His expertise lies in systems and operations consulting. Mark was part of the executive team at Made to Engage where he built a world-class technical development department whom Optimizely awarded platinum status in 2022.

CRP Information

Level: Contributing Citizen
Total contribution points: 858 (gain 642 points more to level up)

Score Distribution

Syndicated blog - Posted on: Sep 12, 2024

The architecture of a modern consulting business is ‘composable’. Certainly, we think of ourselves a composable consulting business and have done...

Syndicated blog - Posted on: Sep 11, 2024

Opticon Stockholm has finished and my journey back to Yorkshire from #Onederland (via Oslo) has given me space to reflect. Here are the Top (or...

Syndicated blog - Posted on: Sep 09, 2024

Optimizely products have evolved. Their new generation of products changes the game.   A multi-year journey for Optimizely. They have engineered...

Syndicated blog - Posted on: Aug 30, 2024

At a glance…  Intuitive, easy to use site search makes all the difference for customers.   Easy to find means more likely to buy. That’s...

Syndicated blog - Posted on: Aug 30, 2024

At a glance…  Intuitive, easy to use site search makes all the difference for customers.   Easy to find means more likely to buy. That’s why for...