Jeroen Stemerdink

Jeroen Stemerdink

 Alias: Jeroen Stemerdink
 Company: Valtech Nederland
 Location: Netherlands
 About me: “Everything should be made as simple as possible, but no simpler.” Albert Einstein

CRP Information

Level: Contributing Citizen
Total contribution points: 1115 (gain 385 points more to level up)

Score Distribution

Syndicated blog - Posted on: Apr 24, 2023

With the content definitions api you can “remotely manage definitions, such as Content types, Property Groups, and Property Data Types without...

Syndicated blog - Posted on: Jan 06, 2023

First of all…. Happy New Year! While back I wrote a post about how to create term facets from attributes on contenttype properties. Doing a POC at...

Syndicated blog - Posted on: Aug 04, 2022

When you run large imports you might run into the issue that the “Change log auto truncate job” will timeout because the tblActivityLog has become...

Syndicated blog - Posted on: Jun 05, 2022

When you have a need to use available localizations from e.g. a headless app, one way to do it is through a custom api. In this gist you can find a...

Syndicated blog - Posted on: May 02, 2022

Imagine a scenario where you have a main catalog containing all your products and several “sub” catalogs with products linked from the main...