
Daniel Dahlin

 Alias: dada
 Company: Optimizely BV
 Location: Sweden
 About me: Manager, Application Support EMEA

CRP Information

Level: Participating Citizen
Total contribution points: 411 (gain 339 points more to level up)

Score Distribution

Posted on: Apr 03, 2023

In Find 13, we introduced language routing on indexing to improve indexing performance for indexes setup with multiple languages. With the release ...

Posted on: Jan 17, 2023

Dear partners and developers, Due to issues introduced with this change/release

Posted on: Jan 28, 2022

Changing the timeout for Search & Navigation requests is something that has been requested over and over in forums and support cases for quite some...

Posted on: Oct 13, 2020

If you are using Find (Search & Navigation) 13.x or later with an index located on a Find on-premise instance you need to do the following to achie...

Posted on: Jun 24, 2020

Is your Search & Navigation (Find) implementation affected by the limitations of the current synonym functionality and/or would you like to improve...

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