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New Update for EPiServer CMS 6 R2

For partner developers: A new version of EPiServer CMS 6 R2 (6.1.379.502) has now been uploaded under the Download section on EPiServer World after some bug fixes. Follow the following installation instructions if you want to patch your existing installation. 

The download packages for Relate R2 and Overlook R2 have been updated to include the new installer for EPiServer CMS.

Beside a number of bug fixes we have also removed the need to update the database when applying this to existing R2 installations.

Patch Instructions for EPiServer CMS

Step 1: Unistall the existing EPiServer installation as follows:

  1. Backup your sites/database.
  2. Uninstall EPiServerFramework ( from the Control Panel.
  3. Uninstall EPiServer CMS 6.1.379.0 from the Control Panel.
  4. Uninstall EPiServer Shared 1.1.409.0 from the Control Panel.

Step 2: Install EPiServer as follows:

  1. Install EPiServer Shared by running EPiServerShared.msi.
  2. Install EPiServer Framework by running EPiServerFramework.msi.
  3. Install EPiServer CMS by running EPiServerCMS.msi.

Step 3: Copy assemblies to bin folder as follows:

  1. Copy all assemblies from Program Files (x86)\EPiServer\CMS\6.1.379.0\bin to the site's bin folder.
  2. Copy all assemblies from Program Files (x86)\EPiServer\Framework\\bin to the site's bin folder.

Patch Instructions for EPiServer Relate

Step 1: Unistall the existing EPiServer installation as follows:

  1. Backup your sites/database.
  2. Uninstall EPiServerFramework ( from the Control Panel.
  3. Uninstall EPiServer CMS 6.1.379.0 from the Control Panel.
  4. Uninstall EPiServer Shared 1.1.409.0 from the Control Panel.

Step 2: Unistall existing EPiServer Community and EPiServer Search installation as follows:

  1. Uninstall EPiServer Community 4.1.517.358 from the Control Panel.
  2. Uninstall EPiServer Search 1.0.517.275 from the Control Panel.

Step 3: Unistall existing EPiServer Mail installation as follows:

  1. Uninstall EPiServer Mail 5.1.343.270 from the Control Panel.

Step 4: Install EPiServer CMS as follows:

  1. Install EPiServer Shared by running EPiServerShared.msi.
  2. Install EPiServer Framework by running EPiServerFramework.msi.
  3. Install EPiServer CMS by running EPiServerCMS.msi.

Step 5: Install EPiServer Community as follows:

  1. Install EPiServer Community by running EPiServerCommunity.msi.

Step 6: Install EPiServer Search as follows:

  1. Install EPiServer Search CMS by running EPiServerSearch.msi.

Step 7: Install EPiServer Mail as follows:

  1. Install EPiServer Mail by running EPiServerMail.msi.

Step 8: Copy assemblies to bin folder as follows:

  1. Copy all assemblies from Program Files (x86)\EPiServer\CMS\6.1.379.0\bin to the site's bin folder.
  2. Copy all assemblies from Program Files (x86)\EPiServer\CommonFramework\4.1.517.383\bin to the site's bin folder.
  3. Copy all assemblies from ProgramFiles (x86)\EPiServer\Community\4.1.517.358\bin to the site's bin folder.
  4. Copy all assemblies from Program Files (x86)\EPiServer\Framework\\bin to the site's bin folder.
  5. Copy all assemblies (*) from Program Files (x86)\EPiServer\Mail\5.1.343.270\bin to the sites' bin folder.
  6. Copy all assemblies from Program Files (x86)\EPiServer\Search\1.0.517.275\bin to the site's bin folder.

(*) except the following assemblies:

Version Information

Assembly Version:

  • fx:
  • cms: 6.1.379.0
  • fxCommon: 4.1.517.383
  • Community: 4.1.517.358
  • Mail: 5.1.343.270
  • Search: 1.0.517.275

Assembly File Version:

  • fx:
  • cms: 6.1.379.502
  • fxCommon: 4.1.517.500
  • Community: 4.1.517.500
  • Mail: 5.1.343.500
  • Search: 1.0.517.500


May 29, 2012 09:27 AM

I think it is okay to have the same assembly version between different versions or patches. But please, please, please stop calling all releases for "EPiServer CMS 6 R2". It confuses both communication between customers, operation service providers and colleagues. Please at least tag the release as "EPiServer CMS 6 R2 Patch 3" or something similar.

May 30, 2012 08:25 AM

I suppose this long procedure will lead to significant downtime on production servers.

And also perhaps some startup performance hit afterwards when the assemblies are loaded from the bin folder instead of GAC?

The patch paradigm for 6 R2 is a mess - several hotfixes which seems to be released via blog posts instead of being put on the hotfix download page.

Minesh Shah (Netcel)
Minesh Shah (Netcel) May 30, 2012 01:08 PM

completly agree with Shamrez these fixes need to be managed a lot better and make it so they can be applied via deployment center minimizing any downtime.

Eric May 30, 2012 02:31 PM

How do I get the version before this one? Need to install the 501 version. Not like i would like to hotifx hotfixes and hotfixes all the time.

Eric May 30, 2012 02:35 PM

I do not like to pach an existing installation just install episerver on new server without the need of adding another hotfix when we move sites from one server to another and are in need of installing episerver cms 6 r2 on that machine...

May 30, 2012 05:26 PM

During uninstall/install the site(s) should be fully functional. The only down time is when you recycle the application pool which can be done all at once (iisreset) or by recycling each site individually.

Minesh, I don't see how making a hotfix available via deployment center would cut down-time? Can you elaborate on that?

Eric May 30, 2012 10:24 PM

but what if i have two diffrent versions of episerver cms 6 installed on the same machine...two diffrent customers. how do i do that without the need for a hotfix on the other site as well? without the dbscript you had earlier the schedule jobs stoppd working. This is actually a case at the moment... :)

Eric May 30, 2012 10:26 PM

I might stop by your desk tomorrow ;)

May 31, 2012 12:05 AM

Maybe that was not clear enough. The most important change (judging from this discussion) in this latest update is that you no longer need to update the database. Reinstalling R2 with the latest installer does not require you do anything else to the database regardless if you previously applied the db upgrade scripts or not.

You are welcome to stop by my desk!

Eric May 31, 2012 11:28 AM

Awsome! thank you :)

Antti Alasvuo
Antti Alasvuo Jun 4, 2012 06:17 PM

I would add to the instructions a specifc step about the shared services configuration files or maybe mainly the indexing services configuration file (EPiServer.IndexingService.exe.config) so you don't need to write the entries about the sites to the file manually after the upgrade.

Sep 28, 2012 01:15 PM

A question: If you are currently on CMS6 R2 and wish to apply .502, do you need to apply the .500 and .501 updates prior to applying .502 ? Or can you go directly to .502?

Maryam Sarrafkia
Maryam Sarrafkia Nov 29, 2012 06:17 PM

Has anyone phased the NullReferenceException after the latest update?
Same as:
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at EPiServer.Common.Configuration.ConfigurationSectionBase`1.GetInstance(String sectionName)
at EPiServer.Common.Settings.LoadEntityProviders()
at EPiServer.Common.Settings.LoadSettings()
at EPiServer.Framework.Initialization.InitializationEngine.InitializeModules()

Celia Black
Celia Black Nov 30, 2012 05:41 AM

I have the same question as Lars: If we're on 6.1.379.0, do we just install th 502 hotfix or do we need to go to 500 and 501 first?

Feeling really really nervous about this - we have a shared hosting environment with 6 sites on it. 5 of them are at version 6.1.379.0 and one is at .500. We need to apply the .502 patch to the .500 one but looks like we will need to apply this to all. Should I be nervous?

It would be useful if the release instructions for a patch included instructions on how to effectively back everything up so it can be rolled back (or even better if the deployment centre handled this!!)

Andreas Nicolaisen
Andreas Nicolaisen Dec 17, 2013 02:39 PM

Is it possible for you guys to update the nuget package for cms 6 r2 to the .502 version?

I'm having issues with upgrading to .502 while at the same time having other packages that is dependent on the EPiServer.CMS.Core package. (Ie PageTypeBuilder, CMS6 Version of Find etc)

The (very) dirty solution is to have both the 502-files AND the reference to the old nugetpackage in the project, and that just dont feel right :)

May 12, 2015 08:30 PM

Yes, updated Nuget packages would be nice! We're using Find in a lot of EPi6R2 projects!

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