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Nov 9, 2009
(9 votes)

Social Media Gadget for EPiServer 6 CTP2

Here’s my entry for the EPiServer gadget contest.

It’s a social media gadget – you can use it to track what’s being said about your site, brand or business through a number of different channels, including Twitter, Google blogs search, Google news search and Flickr.

It’s designed to be as easy as possible to set up and use. It gets feeds from the public methods from the Twitter, Google and Flickr APIs so you don’t have to mess around entering API keys to get it to work. You just enter a key phrase in the setup screen and you’re away.

Gadget example: twitter

Gadget example: Google blogs

Gadget example: Flickr

Installing the gadget

I have put together an installer that can be used in the EPiServer Deployment Centre. It will install all the necessary files in an EPiServer 6 CTP 2 website as well as adding in the necessary entry to web.config.

The installer can be downloaded from here (zip archive, 42kb).

The source code is also freely available - setup instructions are included in a readme.txt file in the root of the project.

The source code lives here (zip archive, 90kb).

Nov 09, 2009


Sep 21, 2010 10:32 AM

Great gadget Ben, the link to the ZIP seems to be broken at the moment (404).
Seems to be some WP crap ;) Sep 21, 2010 10:32 AM

Whoops - typo in the link ;-)

Fixed - cheers for the heads-up.

Sep 21, 2010 10:32 AM

I love this gadget.

Stian Grepstad
Stian Grepstad Sep 21, 2010 10:32 AM

I love it! Check out the SocialPing module ( for posting status messages as well ;-)

Jonas Granstrand
Jonas Granstrand Jan 10, 2011 09:20 AM


I'm trying to install this gadget on a project i work on, but i keep getting an error.

All install correct according to the deployment center, but when i logg in to the site and add the gadget i get an internal server error [500].

Exception Details: System.InvalidOperationException: The view 'Configuration' or its master could not be found. The following locations were searched:

Now, in the structure of my project the gadget was installed under a folder called Public, the folder named modules is empty.

Does anyone have a suggestion on what might be the problem?


Jonas Granstrand
Jonas Granstrand Jan 10, 2011 09:24 AM


I moved the gadget folder from Public to modules and now it seems to work fine =)

weird though that it installed in the wrong directory?


balaji mogadali
balaji mogadali Jul 4, 2013 11:12 AM

Hi frdz,
i searched for articles to develop gadgets in episerver 7 i.e Add New Item --> i didn't found any template to work with gadgets, can u please direct me how to use for webforms

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