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May 3, 2011
(2 votes)

CMS 6 R1 and R2 public API diff.

We have gotten a request from Stefan Forsberg to publish a change log of API changes for CMS 6 R2. We are continuously running an internal tool to catch binary breaking changes before they are committed to our repository (as part of our gated check-in build). In order to commit the change the problem needs to be fixed (remove the breaking change) or acknowledged. This removes unintentional breaking changes completely and also reduces intentional breaking changes to a minimum. An acknowledged API diff (marked as “Ignored” in our log) will end up in the release notes document. Note that we are only tracking signature changes (whether a signature (type or member) has been added or removed between two releases). Also note that our tool will not trap the change that was discussed in Stefan’s post since it is not binary breaking change.

So here it is: CMS 6 R2 API changes (compared with CMS 6).

We will look into improving the reporting for upcoming releases maybe using the proposed tool

May 03, 2011


Stefan Forsberg
Stefan Forsberg May 3, 2011 07:27 PM

THanks Fredrik, really appreciate the quick response and feedback!

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