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May 11, 2011
(1 votes)

Some info about yesterdays upgrade

Yesterday we upgraded World to CMS 6 R2 (huzzah!), but we also included a tweek on display name and aliases.

Your display name will now be, 1) Alias, 2) First name + Last name, 3) part of user name*.

Your alias will also used for the profile link. So, instead of the old …/Community-Profile-Card/?encrypedid=3ncryp73d1d, we will now use …/Community-Profile-Card/PappaBj0rn.

However, if you havn’t set an alias, we’ll use the old style urls with ?encryptedid.

Now, there is a tiny, tiny problem.

The my settings page will enter first name + last name by default in your alias field, so many of you will have this set as your alias. The problem is multiple users might share alias as there was no duplicate checks done before this update. But the url …/Community-Profile-Card/Paul Smith can obviously only display one Paul Smith, thusly, all the other Paul Smithes (those not shown) will have to remove their aliases or come up with new ones.

Easy peasy.

Now, follow rawberts lead and go claim your alias, before any one else does!

*Since we don’t want to display your e-mail (which is your username), we’ve previously replaced the domain part with This has been changed to just drop the domain, so will be when used in the display name.

May 11, 2011


May 11, 2011 11:50 AM

Konstigt jag får ett custom 404 fel på min profil.

*edit* Nu är det löst, dock så får jag ett annat fel på den här bloggen, den klarar inte hämta *edit*

May 11, 2011 01:30 PM

Could be that there is some cache issue. I'll look into it.

The reference to x.js has now been removed.

Frederik Vig
Frederik Vig May 11, 2011 01:35 PM

I Get a 500 error message:

May 11, 2011 02:36 PM

Min profil funkar inte heller

May 11, 2011 07:03 PM

My profile is working, but gettings those spaces and åäö etc covered would be great :-)

Good work! May 12, 2011 10:46 AM

Shotgun! Rawbert paxad! :)

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