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Jonas Bergqvist
Mar 9, 2015
(8 votes)

Installing Commerce using Visual Studio extensions

With the update 56, we now have support for installing both the front-end site and Commerce Manager using the Visual Studio extension.

From now on, deployment center shouldn’t be used when installing a new empty commerce site. The steps to create a new site are:

  • Create a new CMS site using the visual studio extension.
  • Add the EPiServer.Commerce nuget package on the project.
  • Add the EPiServer.Commerce.UI.ManagerIntegration on the project.
  • Create a new empty project in the solution.
  • Add the EPiServer.CommerceManager nuget package on the empty project.
  • Run update-epidatabase in the package manager console.
  • Compile.
  • Start the Commerce manager site (Set as startup project, and then Ctrl+F5).
  • Run the front-end site.

As you can see, there is still some steps that needs to be performed after added a site using the Visual Studio extension, but the procedure is still much better than before. It should not take you more than 5 minutes to create a full Commerce site from Visual Studio.

To read more about how a commerce site should be installed, go to the updated installation document.

Mar 09, 2015


K Khan
K Khan Mar 9, 2015 03:54 PM

Well! Does this installation covers both MVC/Webforms aspects?

Quan Mai
Quan Mai Mar 9, 2015 03:57 PM

Yes, basically it creates a barebone Commerce site and you're free to make it MVC or Webforms specific.

K Khan
K Khan Mar 9, 2015 04:50 PM

Thanks! (may be i am asking for more :) ) It will be very helpful if we can have an extension to setup a blank windows service/console application for Integration purposes (Import Cataloag from external source, Export orders in external formats)


Quan Mai
Quan Mai Mar 10, 2015 12:15 AM

Well, in that case make sure you only install episerver.commerce.core, you should be good to go :)

K Khan
K Khan Mar 11, 2015 10:36 AM

Thanks Quan, I will give it a try in my first free time. I think you know why I have asked this question :)

Mar 16, 2015 01:43 PM

Great! Thanks Jonas and the whole commerce team, it will save my day.

Apr 1, 2015 10:29 AM

Me like!

Apr 15, 2015 11:27 PM

Regarding Commerce integration sample project, Nicklas Israelsson have a Github project for just that [0].


Syed Shah
Syed Shah Jul 13, 2015 11:36 PM

Hi Quan,

The mdf file can only be opened on the latest version version of SQL Server. I wanted to attach the mdf file to a shared SQL Server but want not able to do so. If I create the database via deployment center then I get the database directly on that server. 

Am I missing anything?



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