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Per Nergård
Nov 30, 2012
(0 votes)

Monitor when the EPiServer license expires

Yesterday I got some input from a friend about that they had got a license exception right before a big release.

I’ve always thought it was a bit odd that EPiServer haven’t had a some kind of warning mechanism built in so I thought about building my own.

A quick round of Google later I learned that I’ve totally missed out that in CMS 6 there are a reminder functionality built in. Read Johan Björnfots blog post about it and some additional features here.

Ok but what about CMS5? I had some spare time so I created a scheduled job that will check if todays date is bigger than the expiry date minus one month.

If so a simple mail is sent out.

Both the email recipients and another monthly value (default one) to subtract from the expiry date can be set from two different properties on the start page.

You can download code over at the code section.

I guess it would probably work for CMS 4 sites as well.

Nov 30, 2012


valdis Dec 1, 2012 12:21 AM

Nice! Will this ( be applicable to CMS5 as well?

Dec 1, 2012 10:54 AM

Hi. Yes I think that Mathias parameter thing should work for cms5. But I haven't tried it myself.

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