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Quan Mai
Oct 5, 2017
(7 votes)

Announcing Order extension for ServiceAPI

ServiceAPI has been a popular RESTful APIs for Episerver Commerce, and it has been used by many websites, allowing easy and reliable integration with external systems. However up until now, only Catalog-related APIs (and a small set of CMS asset and content APIs) were supported. We have been asked about adding the support for order-related APIs to ServiceAPI.

And with ServiceAPI 4.1.0, that actually happens. We are happy to annouce that the order-related APIs are now available in ServiceAPI. You can install ServiceAPI 4.1.0 for Commerce today: 

The new APIs included in this release are:

  • Cart: CRUD and search APIs
  • Purchase Order: CRUD and search APIs
  • Payment Plan: CRUD and search APIs
  • Contact and organization: CRUD APIs

More information regarding these new APIs can be found here: 

We would like to express our thanks to Geta for their contribution to the extension.

Note that those APIs, while they can help you do many things with order system, are not "complete" or without limitation. We will continue adding more features, improvements, and bug fixes to upcoming releases. If you have suggestions or feedback, you are welcome to share them with us.

Oct 05, 2017


K Khan
K Khan Oct 5, 2017 12:38 PM

Future is in clouds :) For me, this is another step to reach the height of clouds, is there any stories around Campaigns/Promotions in backlog?

Quan Mai
Quan Mai Oct 5, 2017 02:01 PM

Campagins/Promotions are basically CMS content, which is something we wanted to support, but not in the near future ... 

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