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Sebastian Lundh
Jul 1, 2011
(4 votes)

Multicast configuration with multiple NIC’s.

nicToUseName gives the possibility to name the Network you want to send EPiServer remote events over.

UDP multicast is so esey, no need to add a section for each site in an enterprise configuration.  No need to setup special ports for listening and sending events. Just uncomment from standard configuration and it works.

Very often servers have double NIC's in use and when sending out udp multicast packets it will by standard choose the NIC with lowest index. So you startup Wireshark and don’t see any packets at all when listening on one of the NIC’s and filtering out UDP packets. So you listen on the other NIC and see that it’s actually trying sending out events over the wrong network.

Control Panel\Network and Internet\Network Connections
Check the name of the connection.

Set this value as nicToUseName="nameofthenetwork"

Add this to web.config like:
        <binding name="RemoteEventsBinding">
          <binaryMessageEncoding />
          <udpTransport multicast="True" nicToUseName="Local Area Connection"  />

Now it will send and listen on this network.

Jul 01, 2011


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