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Shamrez Iqbal
Oct 27, 2009
(2 votes)

FindPagesWithCriteria Gadget

My contribution to the Gadget Contest is a gadget for doing findpageswithcriteria-calls.

I haven’t done MVC coding before this so it was a new and interesting experience.

Some points of interest – although the introduction to gadgets article talks about extension-methods for htmlhelper-classes it seems like you do not get Intellisense in the views.

Did also experience that the Intellisense was working but the Html-helper wasn’t available.



Screenshot of criteria builder



The magnificent result-view


Some further things which could be added and would be make the gadget more editor friendly:


  • Using the Dynamic Data Store to save searches
  • Using Reflection (possibly?) to determine the valuetype automatically
  • Possibility to select where to start searching
  • Validation and friendly feedback for errors






Installation instructions (hope it works for you)


1. add this to web.config

<modules autoDiscovery="Minimal">
    <add name="FindPages">
            <add assembly="FindPages"/>

under the tag

2. unpack the zip file to your episerver ctp site, open and build the project

2. add gadget to the page

3. rule the world?


Source and project files Source and project files

Oct 27, 2009


Petter Klang
Petter Klang Sep 21, 2010 10:32 AM

Nice gadget, now lets all rule the world with EPiServer HAR!

Sep 21, 2010 10:32 AM

Cool idea

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