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Thomas Krantz
May 25, 2011
(2 votes)

Visual Studio 2010 Add-In for sorting language XML files


As EPiServer sites grow, their language files usually grows rapidly as well. It’s not uncommon to have several hundred lines of language keys split into different files.

Maintaining such a site and making sure all language keys are translated in all languages can be a pain. I think there are a few Admin plugins for addressing these problems as well.

In our team we have a common practise to always have one language file per language, and to have them alphabetically sorted. That way, you can easily navigate through them, and by just comparing the line numbers you see if there are differences. No Admin plugins needed.

Problem is, to continuously sorting your keys in alphabetical order, can also be a pain :)


I put together a simple VS 2010 add-in, which installs to the right-click menu in Visual Studio.


Once clicked, the XML will sort on element name, like so:



The attached zip contains two files.


Put them in your /Documents/Visual Studio 2010/Addins folder

Visual Studio will pick up the addin:



Take it for a spin! Of course this add-in should work on any XML, even if it would be kind of pointless to sort your Web.config :)

Feel free to email me or twitter at @thomas_krantz

I’ll put the source code online somewhere if somebody is interested.

Here’s the file:
May 25, 2011


Henrik Buer
Henrik Buer May 25, 2011 08:36 AM

Nice one! Haven't tried it yet but I sure will...

May 25, 2011 09:00 AM

For the last six months I have been working on a large global site build.

As one of my colleagues was quickly getting annoyed with maintaining the language file. He developed a VS Macro which would essentially take the text you have selected within a file (.aspx, .ascx, .cs) and replace it with either an inline Translate(), a literal with the text bound to an inline resources call. The originally selected text would be placed in the language file in a relevant element heirarchy based on the file you are editing.

This has saved us hours of time over the last few months. I will have to look at tidying it up and there could be the possibility of sharing it if people are interested.

Thomas Krantz
Thomas Krantz May 25, 2011 09:55 AM

Croweman: Interesting approach, that would sure make it alot easier working with language keys.

Anders Hattestad
Anders Hattestad May 25, 2011 02:48 PM

Like the consept, great when all those language files grows out of control:)

but if you are on CMS6 you could use

Emil Lundin
Emil Lundin May 25, 2011 03:57 PM

Croweman: Yes, please share. Sounds awesome! May 26, 2011 01:47 PM

Great! Thanks! Will use this and tell my colleagues about it.

May 27, 2011 11:15 AM

The Macro has been released for public consumption here

Jose Cortes
Jose Cortes Sep 29, 2011 06:46 PM

Hi Thomas, I've tested your plugin and works fine, but I want to use it to sort my web.config and I need to re-define the sorting when you have many settings, I would like to have it sorted my the name of the setting. So.... could you please send me the code and I'll code it.

Thanks a lot

Vilsan Robin
Vilsan Robin Jul 3, 2012 06:05 PM

Hi Thomas.
Thanks for sharing this..
Its very useful article
could you please send me the source email id is


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