Jooeun Lee
Sep 9, 2015
(2 votes)

Asset Importer fix for EPiServer Commerce 8 and CMS 8

I recently helped a customer resolve this issue and will share the solution. The customer was developing on the latest versions of CMS and Commerce (i.e. version 8.X.Y). Breaking changes from CMS 7.X to CMS 8 prevented the Asset Importer from running in a set-up with Commerce and CMS 8.X.

In order to fix this, do the following:

  1. Update the Asset Importer project to match your Commerce site by installing NuGet packages.
  2. Get the fixes here.
  3. Run the tool as documented.

If you are interested in reading the details of the problem and the fix, go here.

If you need to solve this problem, I hope this helps. Please feel free to contact me with any questions/suggestions/bugs in EPiServer Expert Services by emailing me at or by leaving a comment below.

Sep 09, 2015


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