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Mattias Bomelin
May 2, 2016
(10 votes)

Hello world :D

I guess I've been too lazy, and had too little time, to blog but now I've decided to grab the monkey by its ass or whatever the saying is. Having worked with web based applications since 1998, and e-commerce since 2001, I think I've got alot of interesting challenges and experiences to share.

Maybe you've seen me on some meetup or event the past few years, if not maybe we'll meet next time. Whenever there's a party.... Jokes aside, with 3 small kids at home I can't attend all the happenings but I'm at least trying :P

During my time in the business I've tried on a few different hats - developer, DBA (mainly Oracle and MySQL), infrastructure, server platforms (Linux since kernel 1.0.2, *BSD, Solaris, Windows), architect, CTO. On top of that I've founded and run a couple of own business, some quite successful and some not so successful but hey, it's been a blast and I've learned from it either way.
I've also been involved in a couple of startups, breaking new ground with techniques and applications not commonly used by web projects, and I've also found it very stimulating to do whatever neccessary to get the project forward regardless of techniques what role is stated on your contract.

My epi journey started in 2006 when I did my first CMS implementation. Wheter it was Skånemejerier or ProViva I can't remember. Since then I've worked with epi every now and then, mixed with other platforms such as Litium, Magento and Umbraco. The past 3 years I've focused 100% on epi for commerce implementations though, and in my current position as CTO at the e-commerce division at Knowit I face interesting epi commerce challenges daily so I guess I have the coming blog topics covered.

Now the intro's done I guess, if there's anything you wonder or would like to comment please feel free.

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May 02, 2016


Richly Chheuy
Richly Chheuy May 2, 2016 06:05 PM

Welcome! Looking forward to your Commerce posts!

Ted May 3, 2016 10:53 AM

Wow, what's up with the negative ratings? Cheers and welcome! :)

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