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Petter Sørby
Apr 10, 2015
(3 votes)

Faking inventory while waiting for integrations to finalize

In many Commerce projects there will be dependent activities running in parallel. You might be waiting for a warehouse inventory service to be developed while the shopping experience is developed. To prevent a delay in progress on the site without manually adding inventory in Commerce Manager, you can fake the implementation of IWarehouseInventoryService. 

Implement a fake stock in the Catalog


Image BeforeStockFix.png

Fake implementation

    public class FakeWarehouseInventory : IWarehouseInventoryService

        private IWarehouseInventory GetFakeInventory(CatalogKey catalogKey)
            return GetFakeInventory(catalogKey, new Warehouse() {Code = "Default"});

        private IWarehouseInventory GetFakeInventory(CatalogKey catalogKey, IWarehouse warehouse)
           return new WarehouseInventory()
                AllowBackorder = true,
                AllowPreorder = true,
                BackorderAvailabilityDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1),
                BackorderQuantity = 0,
                CatalogKey = catalogKey,
                InStockQuantity = 100,
                InventoryStatus = InventoryTrackingStatus.Enabled,
                PreorderAvailabilityDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(5),
                PreorderQuantity = 0,
                ReorderMinQuantity = 0,
                ReservedQuantity = 0,
                WarehouseCode = warehouse.Code

        public IWarehouseInventory Get(CatalogKey catalogKey, IWarehouse warehouse)
            return GetFakeInventory(catalogKey, warehouse);
        public IEnumerable<IWarehouseInventory> List(IEnumerable<CatalogKey> catalogKeys)
            return catalogKeys.Select(GetFakeInventory) ;

        public IEnumerable<IWarehouseInventory> ListTotals(IEnumerable<CatalogKey> catalogKeys)
            return catalogKeys.Select(GetFakeInventory);


Use an initializable module to override the default WarehouseInventoryService

    public class InitializationModule : IConfigurableModule
        public void Initialize(EPiServer.Framework.Initialization.InitializationEngine context)
            CatalogRouteHelper.MapDefaultHierarchialRouter(RouteTable.Routes, false);            

        public void ConfigureContainer(ServiceConfigurationContext context)
             context.Container.Configure(ce => ce.For<IWarehouseInventoryService>().Use<FakeWarehouseInventory>());

        public void Preload(string[] parameters)

        public void Uninitialize(EPiServer.Framework.Initialization.InitializationEngine context)


Image AfterStockFix.png

Download FakeWarehouseInventory.cs

Of course, this approach will not work when you are testing features like tracking stock during purchases.

Creating a purchase order

In order to create a purchase order and make the workflows perform correctly with the fake data, you need to create your own fake implementation of IInventoryService.

Download a FakeInventoryService.cs.

More about warehouse here:

Apr 10, 2015


Maris Krivtezs
Maris Krivtezs Apr 13, 2015 09:51 PM

Really good solution. You also can add some switch in appSettings and read it at configuration time to be able to switch between real service and fake one.

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