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Viet Anh
Oct 1, 2018
(3 votes)

Customizing catalog export contents to Episerver Campaign

My first blog post on EPiServer World :)

At the end of Sept 2018, we introduced new package named EPiServer.Campaign.Commerce, that supports exporting catalog content to EPiServer Campaign.

The developer guide document for this new feature can be found here. This blog focuses on how to customize the data to be exported.

  • IProductLoader
    • GetEntries: Gets the entries need to export to campaign. By default, this collects all variants and packages under selected catalog and market language.
      Note: Since the catalog data is exported to Campaign system for marketing purpose. Then the core service only use items with price. The ones without price won't be processed.

      For example, you want to export variant under catalog, but not packages. Then your customization can be something like this:

          [ServiceConfiguration(ServiceType = typeof(IProductLoader), Lifecycle = ServiceInstanceScope.Singleton)]
          public class CustomProductLoader : IProductLoader
              private readonly IContentLoader _contentLoader;
              private readonly ReferenceConverter _referenceConverter;
              public CustomProductLoader(IContentLoader contentLoader, ReferenceConverter referenceConverter)
                  _contentLoader = contentLoader;
                  _referenceConverter = referenceConverter;
              public IEnumerable<EntryContentBase> GetEntries(IEnumerable<string> catalogNames, IMarket market)
                  var catalogs = catalogNames.Any()
                      ? _contentLoader.GetChildren<CatalogContent>(_referenceConverter.GetRootLink()).Where(x => catalogNames.Contains(x.Name, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                      : _contentLoader.GetChildren<CatalogContent>(_referenceConverter.GetRootLink());
                  foreach (var catalog in catalogs)
                      foreach (var variant in _contentLoader.GetChildren<VariationContent>(catalog.ContentLink, market.DefaultLanguage))
                          yield return variant;

  • IProductFieldsHandler
    • PopulateCategoryFields: Gets the category hierarchy of a product. The category levels are separated by "#". Note that Campaign system can process up to 10 levels of category.
    • PopulateTextFields: Populates the fields Text1-Text10
      For example:

              public void PopulateTextFields(ProductModel model, EntryContentBase entry, IPriceValue price, IEnumerable<DiscountPrice> discountedPrices)
                  var fashion = entry as FashionVariant;
                  model.Text1 = fashion.Size;
                  model.Text2 = fashion.Color;
                  model.Text3 = fashion.MinQuantity.ToString();
                  model.Text4 = fashion.MaxQuantity.ToString();
                  model.Text5 = fashion.Weight.ToString();
                  model.Text6 = discountedPrices?.FirstOrDefault()?.Price.ToString() ?? string.Empty;
                  model.Text7 = price.UnitPrice.ToString();

    • PopulateImageFields: Populates the fields Image1-Image6
      For example:

              public void PopulateImageFields(ProductModel model, EntryContentBase entry)
                  model.Image1 = new ProductImageModel
                      ImageUrl = "",
                      ImageLink = ""
                  model.Image2 = new ProductImageModel
                      ImageUrl = "",
                      ImageLink = ""
                  model.Image3 = new ProductImageModel
                      ImageUrl = "",
                      ImageLink = ""

    • PopulateLinkFields: Populates the fields Link1-Link3
      For example:

              public void PopulateLinkFields(ProductModel model, EntryContentBase entry)
                  model.Link1 = new ProductLinkModel()
                      Text = "Link 1",
                      Url = ""
                  model.Link2 = new ProductLinkModel()
                      Text = "Link 2",
                      Url = ""
                  model.Link3 = new ProductLinkModel()
                      Text = "Link 3",
                      Url = ""

    • PopulateAdditionalDataFields: Populates the fields AdditionalData1-AdditionalData20

In default implementation, EPiServer set default value for texts, images, links, additional data and category in corresponding methods. Then if you only override some of those methods, be sure to override correct data in correct method. For example, overriding for PopulateTextFields should only set model.Text[x]. Otherwise, your custom value may be reset somewhere else by the default implementations.

Hope this helps.

Oct 01, 2018


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