Interface IPropertyImporter

Signature for component that import properties

Namespace: EPiServer.Core.Transfer
Assembly: EPiServer.dll
Version: 10.10.4
public interface IPropertyImporter


ImportProperties(IContent, RawContent, IContentTransferContext, TransferImportOptions)

Imports all properties from importedContent to newContent

void ImportProperties(IContent newContent, RawContent importedContent, IContentTransferContext context, TransferImportOptions options)
Type Name Description
IContent newContent

The content to import properties to.

RawContent importedContent

The imported content to import properties from.

IContentTransferContext context

The context for the import

TransferImportOptions options

Options specified for the import

ImportProperty(RawContent, IContent, RawProperty, PropertyData, IContentTransferContext, TransferImportOptions)

Imports data for a property newProperty from its raw format rawProperty

void ImportProperty(RawContent rawContent, IContent content, RawProperty rawProperty, PropertyData newProperty, IContentTransferContext context, TransferImportOptions options)
Type Name Description
RawContent rawContent

The content to import in a raw format

IContent content

The content instance that is being imported

RawProperty rawProperty

The imported property in rawformat

PropertyData newProperty

The new property that is populated

IContentTransferContext context

The context for the import

TransferImportOptions options

Options specified for the import

Extension Methods