Namespace EPiServer.Core.Transfer.Internal



Unsupported INTERNAL API! Not covered by semantic versioning; might change without notice. Component that assigns value to BinaryData property during import.


Unsupported INTERNAL API! Not covered by semantic versioning; might change without notice. The transfer object for Blob instances.


Unsupported INTERNAL API! Not covered by semantic versioning; might change without notice. IFileTransfer implemenation that takes care of Export/Import of Blob.


Unsupported INTERNAL API! Not covered by semantic versioning; might change without notice. Resolves a BlockPropertyDefinitionType from an imported BlockTypeReference


Unsupported INTERNAL API! Not covered by semantic versioning; might change without notice. Transfer object used to serialize BlockType into import/export package.


Unsupported INTERNAL API! Not covered by semantic versioning; might change without notice. Default implementation of component that imports valulues defined on ICategorizable interface.


Unsupported INTERNAL API! Not covered by semantic versioning; might change without notice. Default implementation of component that imports valulues defined on IChangeTrackable interface.


Unsupported INTERNAL API! Not covered by semantic versioning; might change without notice.


Unsupported INTERNAL API! Not covered by semantic versioning; might change without notice. Default implementation of component that imports valulues defined on IContent interface.


Unsupported INTERNAL API! Not covered by semantic versioning; might change without notice. Component that assigns value to Thumbnail property during import.


Unsupported INTERNAL API! Not covered by semantic versioning; might change without notice. Transfer a PropertyString property for the transfer functionality.



Unsupported INTERNAL API! Not covered by semantic versioning; might change without notice. Transfer object used to serialize ContentType into import/export package.




Unsupported INTERNAL API! Not covered by semantic versioning; might change without notice. Class that handles dependent content in export


Unsupported INTERNAL API! Not covered by semantic versioning; might change without notice. The ExportableLink is used to representing a link in the export functionality.


Unsupported INTERNAL API! Not covered by semantic versioning; might change without notice. The import and export uses the class to do following: It creates exportimporthandlermap.xml file which contains type handler information In the export side: Create a specific xml file for each handler and the export handle writes custom data to it. In the import side: The import handler be called with the exported data.


Unsupported INTERNAL API! Not covered by semantic versioning; might change without notice. The file transfer object is used to store files included in the transfer process.


Unsupported INTERNAL API! Not covered by semantic versioning; might change without notice. Holds RawContents and organize them by language and help function to read properties from master content properties and stc.


Unsupported INTERNAL API! Not covered by semantic versioning; might change without notice. Default implementation of component that imports valulues defined on ILocalizable interface.


Unsupported INTERNAL API! Not covered by semantic versioning; might change without notice. IFileTransfer implementation that encapsulates other IFileTransfer instances and delegates the calls.


Unsupported INTERNAL API! Not covered by semantic versioning; might change without notice. Transfer object used to serialize PageType into import/export package.


Unsupported INTERNAL API! Not covered by semantic versioning; might change without notice. Import/Export property handler for Blob and PropertyBlob


Unsupported INTERNAL API! Not covered by semantic versioning; might change without notice. Transform a IPropertyBlock property for the transfer functionality.


Unsupported INTERNAL API! Not covered by semantic versioning; might change without notice. Transfer the PropertyCategory property for the transfer functionality.


Unsupported INTERNAL API! Not covered by semantic versioning; might change without notice.


Unsupported INTERNAL API! Not covered by semantic versioning; might change without notice. Transfer functionality for the EPiServer.Core.PropertyContentReferenceList property.


Unsupported INTERNAL API! Not covered by semantic versioning; might change without notice. Transfer the PropertyContentReference property for the transfer functionality.


Unsupported INTERNAL API! Not covered by semantic versioning; might change without notice. Transfer a PropertyDate property for the transfer functionality.


Unsupported INTERNAL API! Not covered by semantic versioning; might change without notice. Transfer a PropertyDocumentUrl property for the transfer functionality.


Unsupported INTERNAL API! Not covered by semantic versioning; might change without notice. Transfer the Propertyframe property for the transfer functionality.


Unsupported INTERNAL API! Not covered by semantic versioning; might change without notice. Helps tp mapped a guid from LinkGuidMap


Unsupported INTERNAL API! Not covered by semantic versioning; might change without notice. Transfer a PropertyImageUrl property for the transfer functionality.


Unsupported INTERNAL API! Not covered by semantic versioning; might change without notice. Support for transforming a PropertyJson based property for transfers.


Unsupported INTERNAL API! Not covered by semantic versioning; might change without notice. Updates the page guid property and add the mapping to the transfer context PageGuidMap for the mirroring functionality.


Unsupported INTERNAL API! Not covered by semantic versioning; might change without notice. Transform a PropertyPageType property for the transfer functionality.


Unsupported INTERNAL API! Not covered by semantic versioning; might change without notice. Transfer a PropertyUrl property for the transfer functionality.


Unsupported INTERNAL API! Not covered by semantic versioning; might change without notice. Transform a PropertyXhtmlString property for the transfer functionality.


Unsupported INTERNAL API! Not covered by semantic versioning; might change without notice. Class that handles links in export packages.


Unsupported INTERNAL API! Not covered by semantic versioning; might change without notice. Handles creation of RawContent isntance.


Unsupported INTERNAL API! Not covered by semantic versioning; might change without notice. Default implementation of component that imports valulues defined on IResourceable interface.


Unsupported INTERNAL API! Not covered by semantic versioning; might change without notice. Default implementation of component that imports valulues defined on IRoutable interface.


Unsupported INTERNAL API! Not covered by semantic versioning; might change without notice. Content holder for the transfer functionality.


Unsupported INTERNAL API! Not covered by semantic versioning; might change without notice. Page holder for the transfer functionality.


Unsupported INTERNAL API! Not covered by semantic versioning; might change without notice. Default implementation of component that imports valulues defined on IVersionable interface.



Unsupported INTERNAL API! Not covered by semantic versioning; might change without notice. Defines the signature for a component that is registered to handle import of properties for a specific interface.



Unsupported INTERNAL API! Not covered by semantic versioning; might change without notice. Specifies in which mode the transfer is executing.