Area: Optimizely Search & Navigation
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The EPiServer integration builds on the .NET client API, meaning that everything for the .NET client API applies to the EPiServer integration. It adds functionality for automatically indexing objects, additional methods for filtering, retrieving and caching results.


To use the EPiServer integration, you need the EPiServer Find .NET API and two additional assemblies:

  • Episerver.Find.Framework.dll
  • EPiServer.Find.Cms.dll.

You should reference all assemblies in your project, and add the standard configuration for the .NET API to web.config. Refer to References and Configuration in the .NET Client API section of this documentation.

All assemblies are available in the download package on the download page, but the easiest way to install them is to add the EPiServer NuGet feed (http://nuget.episerver.com/feed/packages.svc/) and use NuGet:

PM> Install-Package EPiServer.Find.Cms


When working with the general .NET API, you typically create an instance of the IClient class using the Client.CreateFromConfig method. Following the general pattern of EPiServer development, the EPiServer integration provides a singleton instance in the form of the SearchClient class and its Instance property. The returned instance is a regular IClient, but some modifications are made to it at start up. In other words, when working with EPiServer and EPiServer Find, be sure to use SearchClient.Instance.

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Last updated: Feb 23, 2015

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