Area: Optimizely CMS
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UI wrapper types

The UI wrapper type determines how the editor appears in the on-page editing mode. You can configure the default wrapper type for custom properties via an editor descriptor. 

Floating wrapper

Opens the editor in a dialog that is placed next to the content being edited. This is the default editor wrapper as of EPiServer.CMS.UI 7.19.0.

Flyout wrapper

Opens the editor in a panel on the right hand side of the page. This was the default wrapper up to and including EPiServer.CMS.UI 7.18.0.

Content-editable wrapper

Enables editing directly into the property on the underlying page. This requires an editor that is built to support being content editable. This should not be used as the default editor wrapper type.

Inline wrapper

Opens the editor within the property overlay. This was made obsolete by the Content-editable wrapper. This should generally be avoided and should not be used as the default editor wrapper type.

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Last updated: Sep 21, 2015

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