Area: Optimizely CMS
Applies to versions: 10-11
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Configuring episerver.shell

Recommended reading 

The following XML pseudocode describes the <episerver.shell> section of the configuration file. The Configuration topic describes the syntax used in the description of the configuration elements.



 <dashboard defaultService="string" >
      <add name="string" /> 
      <add forRoles="string" > 
             <add layout="string"
                  name="string" >
                      <add column="int"
                           name="string" >

<disabledGadgets>/<add> Element Attributes

Name Default value Description
name   Required. The class name, including namespace, of the gadget to be disabled.

<templates>/<add> Element Attributes

Name Default value Description
forRoles   Required. Comma-separated list of roles for which the template should apply.

<tabs>/<add> Element Attributes

Name Default value Description
layout   Required. The name of the layout to be used on this tab. Example: “2 Column”.
name   Required. The name of the tab.

<gadgets>/<add> Element Attributes

Name Default value Description
column   Required. The zero-based index of the column in which this gadget should be placed.
name   Required. The class name of the gadget, including namespace.


   <add alignment="MenuItemAlignment"
        url="string" />
  ...<br /></navigation>

<navigation> Element Attributes

Name Default value Description
alignment MenuItemAlignment.Left The alignment of the menu item. Possible values are Left and Right.
menuItemType MenuItemType.Link The type of this menu item. Possible values are Link, Section and DropDown.
Link items must be children of container items, either a Section or a DropDown. The hierarchy of menu items is controlled by the menuPath attribute.
menuPath   Required. The menu path/key of this menu item. The path defines the structure and is also the unique key to this menu item.
“/global/” refers to the full menu area, menuPath must start with “/global/” to be visible in the menu.
sortIndex   The sort index of this menu item. Menu items are sorted from low to high within each section.
target   The frame in which to open the linked file.
text   Required. The text that should appear in the menu item.
url   The URL of the file to be opened.


<protectedModules autoDiscovery="AutoDiscoveryLevel"
                  rootPath="string" >
  <add clientResorcePath="string"
       resourcePath="string" >
      <add assembly="string" />
  </add><br />  ...

<protectedModules> Element Attributes

Name Default value Description
autoDiscovery AutoDiscoveryLevel.Minimal Option for probing the the module folder and load of module assemblies automatically on start-up.
Possible values are:
  • Minimal will only load modules configured by web.config and associate assemblies explicitly configured in web.config.
  • Modules auto-discover modules in the module directory and load assemblies defined in the module’s module.config file and load assemblies located in the module’s bin directory in addition to those defined in the module’s module.config file.
rootPath   Required. The root path below which module directories are located.

<protectedModules>/<add> Element Attributes

Name Default value Description
clientResourcePath   The client resource path. If no value is specified the resourcePath is used.
name   Required. The name of the module/folder. If no resourcePath value is specified the name value is combined with the rootPath value to form the path to the module folder.
resourcePath   The path to the module directory.

<assemblies>/<add> Element Attributes

Name Default value Description
assembly   Required. An assembly to load and associate with the module. The assemblies listed in this collection may be combined with assemblies defined by the module depending on the auto discovery option.


<publicModules autoDiscovery="AutoDiscoveryLevel"
               rootPath="string" >
   <add clientResorcePath="string"
        resourcePath="string" >
         <add assembly="string" />

<publicModules> Element Attributes

Name Default value Description
autoDiscovery AutoDiscoveryLevel.Minimal Option for probing the the module folder and load of module assemblies automatically on start-up.
Possible values are:
  • Minimal will only load modules configured by web.config and associate assemblies explicitly configured in web.config.
  • Modules auto-discover modules in the module directory and load assemblies defined in the module’s module.config file and load assemblies located in the module’s bin directory in addition to those defined in the module’s module.config file.
rootPath   Required. The root path below which module directories are located.

<publicModules>/<add> Element Attributes

Name Default value Description
clientResourcePath   The client resource path. If no value is specified the resourcePath is used.
name   Required. The name of the module/folder. If no resourcePath value is specified the name value is combined with the rootPath value to form the path to the module folder.
resourcePath   The path to the module directory.

<assemblies>/<add> Element Attributes

Name Default value Description
assembly   Required. An assembly to load and associate with the module. The assemblies listed in this collection may be combined with assemblies defined by the module depending on the auto discovery option.
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Last updated: May 26, 2021

Recommended reading