Get Optimizly running on our Episerver


Not sure this is correct place to get this information.

But we are currently running a Epierserver CMS plarform version "Restricted to version 7.0-16.0"

We dont have the A/B testing capabilities yet.

But would love to utillize this feature and the personalization feature.

Who to contact about this query.

Thanks in advance.


Jun 15, 2023 9:54

That's not a correct version, that looks like an error message. Do you know what version you're on?

Block personalization has been out of the box since version 7 and block A/B testing is availible via and addon that recently for version 12 went open source.

Optimizely's cloud testing features are

  • Optimizely Web Experiemention - Client side drive experiementation delivered through javscript. You get an experimentation editor and can change DOM elements, do JS changes, CSS and such
  • Optimizely Feature Experimentation - Allows definition of feature flags that you implement in code and then run the tests via the experimentation editor

Those require contacting Optimizely sales

Edited, Jun 15, 2023 12:48

Hey thanks for the quick reply.
Yeah I did fell like it was wrong version display.
Coulnt find where I would see the current version.

Maybe you could point me in the rigth direction? :)

Is the A/B testing from version 12 possible to just add through the add-on section within the CMS?

Thanks alot for your help.

Jun 15, 2023 12:52

You can find the version easily in your codebase, it's a nuget package. In pre CMS 12 version you could also go to the admin area -> reports and open any report and it would show in the title bar.

You can get the addon for mosty versions from the Optimizely nuget feed such as here for 12 

Here's a blog post about the A/B testing plugin and it's move to open source. This plugin is free in for use in the CMS and allow A/B testing of blocks only.

The cloud tools that are Optimizely main experiementation products and the real powerhouses of testing cost money but offer way better testing capibility! 

Jun 15, 2023 13:21

The versions listed sounds like they're from the license file.

You should contact the partner who maintains your solution. The A/B testing function can be activated by the developers. Remember to plan for regression testing to make sure it works well with your solution. Also note that the function uses cookies, you might have to manage this somehow depending on what jurisdiction(s) you are affected by.

Jun 15, 2023 13:22
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