Local 7.5 install and add-ons



Excuse the newbie question but I'm tinkering with EPiServer on a local Windows 7 PC (with a demo license, if it's relevant).  I'm trying to install the self-optimizing add-on but when I attempt to get a list of available add-ins (new, updates or beta) I get the following error:

"Error occured when trying to get packages: Unable to connect to the remote server"

(red, above the container where the add-ons are normally listed.

I'm assuming that there is some config issue on my local install and perhaps a URL that's wrong that points to the feed for add-ons.  In my searching of the issue I found a url that was quoted in another forum "https://addons-api.episerver.com/feed/", however when I try to browse to this in a new tab I get an xml document response, but with no contents.  At least it proves my machine can access the URL though.

I've been through the series of config files in my VS package, but can't find anything that looks like it relates to the add-ons feed URL.

I can see the list of add-ons on one of our public sites (these are developed by a 3rd party so I don't have any developer access to their environments or installs, hence the local tinkering.  I can see the add-in I want so I assume if I can solve this connection problem I will be able to install the add-ons.

Can anyone help with any suggestions on working out what might be going wrong with the add-on connection?

Thanks in anticipation.


Oct 29, 2014 16:37

If you run fiddler to trace the http-traffic what is the url that your local site request?

Oct 29, 2014 17:13

Hello, thanks for the suggestion Henrik, I originally did this using HTTPFox in my browser but after your suggestion I also installed Fiddler and used that (never used it before so just ran it before I ran my VS and launched the site.  The only logging I get when I click each of the different add-on buttons (Add-ons, Beta, 3rd party) looks like a series of internal URLs:





So unless I'm mistaken I can't see any sign of an external call to get a list of Add-ins.  I'm not sure if this suggests my local install is not configured to look externally.

Interestingly when I use the Fiddler plug in to monitor the requests on one of our live sites (where the list of Add-ins is returned OK) I see the same urls as above, albeit of course with the "live" domain name instead.  Again nothing to an external service to collect a list of available add ins.

Any more background or assistance would be helpful.



Oct 30, 2014 10:25

When I do this on my machine I get three calls to http://addons-api.episerver.com:443 when clicking EPiServer AddOns. You might have missed them since it is https and fiddler is just showing the message Tunnel to addons-api.episerver.com:443

Can you see these requests?

Oct 30, 2014 11:13

Hi Henrik,

I don't see any reports in Fiddler other than the ones I have listed above.

I know what you mean about tunnel messages - I see them as a result of other operations my browser is doing (eg plenty of tunnel message to Google services, all returning 200 OK statuses).

When I try to browse directly in my browser to the URL you mention above, it just hangs my browser (no response at all).

When I try to go to "https://addons-api.episerver.com/feed/" which is the one I found yesterday while searching this issue, I get a response 200, but it looks like an empty XML structure with no results.

This is the XML I get back:

<service xmlns:atom="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom" xmlns:app="http://www.w3.org/2007/app" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2007/app" xml:base="https://addons-api.episerver.com/feed/">
<collection href="Packages">
I've also tried this on a device using 3G connection, to ensure that there's nothing that our proxy servers are stopping.  I don't of course know how else that URL is called (querystrings, ajax call etc) so not sure what else i might be missing in order to prompt some real results.
Oct 30, 2014 11:37

A further bit of digging, but no closer to a solution...

In my episerver errors log (app_data in my local folder) I have found the following, which seems to identify the problem:

"2014-10-30 14:36:13,617 [38] ERROR EPiServer.Packaging.PackageService: Getting packages list throws exception: System.Net.WebException: Unable to connect to the remote server ---> System.Net.Sockets.SocketException: A socket operation was attempted to an unreachable network

This at least seems to identify that the location it is trying to reach is "".  I try this on my browser and it just hangs with no response.

If however I attempt to browse to "" I instead get the "Welcome to EPiServer Nuget" page with a list of Nuget packages displayed.

I read elsewhere of someone having problems with their proxy server, so I tried adding this to my web.config:

<defaultProxy useDefaultCredentials="true"/>

to hopefully pick up whatever proxy settings are in place for my workplace computer.  Still this gives the same error on the UI and in the log file.

Anyone able to add any insight or ideas to this?



Oct 30, 2014 15:46

A further update on this, I'm now at home using my own broadband connection (no company proxy servers).  I have installed 7.5 locally and am successfully able to browse and install add-ons from the "aAdd-ons" menu.

Trouble is the findings I have been seeing at work relating to all the IP addresses and URLs listed in the replies above are exactly the same.

Also, there is no difference I can see in the Fiddler logs that indicates different attempts to connect to the add-ons feed.

I definitely think there is a proxy issue with my workplace computer so I will pursue getting an exception processed by our network administrators.

Oct 31, 2014 12:55

Good to know that it works at home and you are one step closer to the solution. I have no more ide on what it can be saidly.

Have a great weekend

Oct 31, 2014 14:17
* You are NOT allowed to include any hyperlinks in the post because your account hasn't associated to your company. User profile should be updated.