Navigation pane search box and asset pane search box not working as expected


Navigation pane Search box and Asset pane search box not working in my site? I have checked in EPiServer demo site it seems the same it doesn’t working. Any suggestion to solve this issue.

Oct 31, 2014 9:14

Do you have any search provider installed? Like EPiServer Search or EPiServer Find?

Oct 31, 2014 15:43

Yes EPiServer search installed.

Oct 31, 2014 17:19

If you check under Admin -> Config tab -> Tool Settings -> Search Configuration.  Do you have Pages and Blocks checked?

Also is the search working? I.E do you have an external searchpage on the site that uses the EPiServer search so you konw that the site has gotten indexed?

Nov 03, 2014 10:47

In Admin i have Pages and Blocks checked in Search Configuration. I can only search pages and blocks with ID but not with the names. Any suggestion?

Nov 03, 2014 12:05

This forum post I can now search pages, but not assets/blobs. Any ideas for solving this?

Nov 04, 2014 13:52

Well the last post about using luke to have a look in the index would be a good start I guess. Then you should be able to see if the assets are getting indexed or not and can continue the search from there.

Nov 04, 2014 16:10
* You are NOT allowed to include any hyperlinks in the post because your account hasn't associated to your company. User profile should be updated.