Adding NAS disk to EPiServer


Hi all


I want to add a NAS disk/folder to EPiSver 7.5, i cant seem to find any info regarding this since the file handling has changed.



Mar 17, 2014 13:17

I think there is no equivalent of the VirtualPathNativeProvider for the new media system.

You could create your own BLOB provider and see how far you can take it but I think you will run into to problems exposing the folder structure since it is now shared between blocks and files.

It is also possible to use the Migration Tool and copy files from a VirtualPathNativeProvider into the new media system but that will be a one time thing and not the "mirroring" type of functionality it sounds like you're after.

Mar 18, 2014 15:19

Thanks for the reply

I have added an support issue as well, we have a few intranet solutions that needs this function.

Do you have any thought on how to work around this.


Mar 21, 2014 9:12

Since the insertions of files from the VirtualPathNativeProvider weren't "permanent" ones, just /vpp-path/folder1/file1.pdf etc, I think the fastest way forward would be to create your own TinyMCE-plugin where you open a tool window with a typical file browser view for your file share starting point. Outside of EPi I'm guessing there should be a bunch of examples of this for TinyMCE and ASP.NET.

Note that I haven't at all looked into if this could work but another possiblity would be some combination of Page provider to expose the file share's folders below a fixed starting point and BLOB provider.

Mar 21, 2014 9:56

Ok, thanks a lot

Ill dig into this and post when I find a good way to solve this


Mar 21, 2014 10:46

Pär, How did you solve the mirroring issue?

Jan 19, 2015 13:45

We solved it by doing a pagetype and a blocktype that lists a shared folder. We used FooTable ( to present the files. This was the quick fix. We have a new solution that we havent finished yet. The new way will be to build a mediaprovider,

Hope that helps


Jan 19, 2015 13:57
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