'Logon Failed' after upgrade from EPiServer 7.5 to 7.11



I followed the documentation to upgrade our EPiServer 7.5.1000.0 website to use Got it all working, upgraded the database using the EPiUpdatePackage that we created, and all was fine.

Repeated the same steps in our seperate test servers, still ok.

Now with these changes deployed to production, when logging in using the EPiServer logon page we get 'logon failed' shown in red text above the textboxes, even when using correct credentials. The onyl difference in production is that the user accounts used are managed by SQLRoleProvider, whereas in test and development we use WindowsRoleProvider.

No errors seem to be generated in our logs, so unfortunately I cant provide any more details.

Output from the upgrade process:

Processing D:\Releases\2014.08.13_UAT_DE\EPiUpdatePackage7.5Update25\EPiUpdatePackage\EPiServer.CMS.Core.7.11.0\epiupdates\sql\7.8.0.sql

Processing D:\Releases\2014.08.13_UAT_DE\EPiUpdatePackage7.5Update25\EPiUpdatePackage\EPiServer.CMS.Core.7.11.0\epiupdates\sql\7.10.0.sql

Processing D:\Releases\2014.08.13_UAT_DE\EPiUpdatePackage7.5Update25\EPiUpdatePackage\EPiServer.CMS.Core.7.11.0\epiupdates\sql\7.11.0.sql

Please could someone help?



Aug 13, 2014 14:17

As a clarification, it's "Login failed", not "Logon failed".

Aug 13, 2014 14:19

In the event log, we have the following:

Event code: 4007

Event message: URL authorization failed for the request.

Event time: 8/13/2014 3:34:57 PM

Event time (UTC): 8/13/2014 2:34:57 PM

Event ID: 2813ff5bfe2640e5ba9b76d07868aafc

Event sequence: 47

Event occurrence: 4

Event detail code: 0


Application information:

    Application domain: /LM/W3SVC/7/ROOT-1-130524131341220000

    Trust level: Full

    Application Virtual Path: /

    Application Path: xxxxxxxxxxxxx

    Machine name: xxxxxxxxxxxxx


Process information:

    Process ID: 3008

    Process name: w3wp.exe

    Account name: xxxxxxxxxxxx\AppUser_Epi75_DE_UAT


Request information:

    Request URL: http://xxxxxxxxxxx/episerver/cms

    Request path: /episerver/cms

    User host address:

    User: Paulb

    Is authenticated: True

    Authentication Type: Forms

    Thread account name: xxxxxxxxxx\AppUser_Epi75_DE_UAT 

Aug 13, 2014 16:56

I had some issues with authentication after an Commerce and EPi upgrade, two things, do u got following in your web.config?


If I remember correctly that hash algorithm is new for EPiServer 7.5, and I assume it should still be there in 7.11. Second thing I had issues with was that the cookie had expired of different reasons, so check so the timestamp of the cookie is still valid.


Aug 18, 2014 16:08

Resolved this - it was because we changed from SqlRoleProvider and SqlMembershipProvider to DefaultRoleProvider and DefaultMembershipProvider - changed this back for now.

Assuming that there should be some sort of migration process for data held in the SQL DB?

Aug 19, 2014 13:28
* You are NOT allowed to include any hyperlinks in the post because your account hasn't associated to your company. User profile should be updated.