

Hi All,

I am new to EPiserver. I want to know how can we synchronise files and db from staging to production post deployment. In Ektron we have feature called esync where we can push files and db from staging to production. Similar to this, is there any feture in EPiserver to synchronise site accross servers ?

Oct 19, 2015 21:57

Hi Mattias,

Thank you for suggesting these options. Web Deploy is more like traditional Microsoft tool for .net application deployment. Does EPiserver have any in build feature for Site sync(db,files) accross the servers ?

Edited, Oct 20, 2015 12:14

EPiServer does not have any built in functionallity for this at the momen. In the future maybe they add the esync to episerver as well. For the moment we all use diffrent tools like mentione above for deploying and such. Like teamcity octopus msbuild webdeploy.

EPiServer has a tool in earlier version called mirroring that could actually push content from one site to another. Think that is removed in the latest release. You could also export content and then import into the production environement. But that is only for content and not for code.

Oct 20, 2015 13:04

Hi Eric n All, 

Nice and Detailed replay. Its help a lot. thanks!!

Oct 20, 2015 13:22

Just want to correct a bit: EPiServer 9 does support mirroring

But yes, it does not support Commerce and/or files or code changes. 

Oct 20, 2015 16:31

Hi Quan n All,

Thank you for your suggestion. Please see if have anything to say related to below post.

_Copy of  post_

1) Where can I download deployment center setup ?

2) Currently we are buidling an application using EPiserver 8. I would like to know the best practice for moving files from dev to staging to live. Staging and live don't have Visutal studio to install package through nuget. I have read that copying(xcopy) site root files which is created after installing nuget cmd is enough. While moving my dev site root files to staging server, does it require any other files(like system files) need to be copied from my dev to staging ?

3) In case if I installed search in my dev, what are the files should be copied from dev apart from files inside site root ?

Oct 20, 2015 21:48
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