Force access to Versions tab?


In EPiServer 6 R2, I have situation where an approver has rights only to publish a page. (They do this via a custom Workflow tab that has a 'Publish' button.) 

It is imporatant that they cannot Edit the page. This all works fine.

But if page is then edited, and set as 'ready to publish' a second time... the approver is now unable to publish that page. This is because they can only see the current 'published' version of the page. What I need is to give them access to the 'Versions' tab without giving them 'Create / Change' access rights. they could then click the green 'select' button... which switches to that newer 'ready to publish' version of page... and the 'Publish' button then appears in my custom weorkflow tab...?

Any way to force the 'Versions' tabe to be accessible to all??

Nov 20, 2015 12:47
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