You can use the Dojo object stores that Episerver provides as JS APIs.
Here is the article from the CMS UI documentation that describes the stores:
You would be using the epi.cms.contentdata store to retrieve data on the image using it's content reference (assuming that is what you are referring to when you say image id).
It should look something similar to this:
var registry = dependency.resolve(""), store = registry.get("epi.cms.contentdata"), query = store.query({ id: 3, language: "en" }); query.observe(dojo.hitch(this, this.onChange)); query.then(function(results) { = results; });
Hi Matthew,
I will look in to it. Hope it will be very helpful for me.
Thank you.
Hi All,
I am new to episerver CMS. I am creating a custom widget using dojo for repetable image selector (Text box with a browse button to Media). I need to get the image name from dojo using the image id. Can anyone help me?