Working with custom MediaProviders


I have a problem with using additional mediaproviders. I found already an article on how to add an extra tab on the Media-assets panel, which i can use to access extra folders outside the normal Media folders.

    public class XspMediaMainNavigationComponent : ComponentDefinitionBase
        public const string TabName = "Xsp";

        public XspMediaMainNavigationComponent()
            : base("epi-cms.component.Media")
            Categories = new string[] { "cms" };
            LanguagePath = "/episerver/cms/components/custommedia";
            Title = TabName;
            SortOrder = 103;
            PlugInAreas = new string[] { PlugInArea.Assets };
            Settings.Add(new Setting("repositoryKey", XspMediaRepositoryDescriptor.RepositoryKey));

I add the plugin to the  'Assets' area, however after adding it, and changing the value of the area, it refuses to move to another location, no matter what predefined area i use.

I want to use 'PluginArea.AssetsDefaultGroup' but it refuses to move to that location.

What do i need to do to change my the location of my plugin? I got the feeling that the definition of the plugin is also stored in the database and is not properly synched with the definition in code. Am i correct or am i missing something in code?

Nov 09, 2015 14:56

Try with a different user or reset your views (beneth my settings -> display options)

Nov 09, 2015 15:47

Wow ok, i never expected that! Thanks it works!

Nov 09, 2015 16:19

No problem. I actually got this problem when demoing content providers to over a hundred developers. I took a gamble on "reset views", and lucky for me, it worked. *phew*

Edited, Nov 10, 2015 8:22
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