EPiServer 8 shared VPP folder


i want to configure multi-developer development environment for a web site in EPi server 8. i have followed this article to do this(i guess that's the only article provided on web for this purpose :-) )

i have moved my EPi Server database and VPP folder(Modules/_protected) to a shared location

I have changed following physical paths web.config

<>episerver.packaging protectedVirtualPath="~/EPiServer/" protectedPath="\\location\Modules\_Protected" publicVirtualPath="~/modules/" publicPath="modules" />

  <>clear />
  <>add name="ProtectedModules" virtualPath="~/EPiServer/" physicalPath="\\location\Modules\_Protected" type="EPiServer.Web.Hosting.VirtualPathNonUnifiedProvider, EPiServer.Framework" />

I have restarted IIS as well but still website tries to access EPiServer.Cms.Shell.UI.zip from old location which is [websiterootfolder]\modules_protected\CMS

Can anyone please help????

Apr 19, 2015 12:06

I guess you only want to share blobs (files, images, etc.). If that's the case, you ony have to change appData basePath under episerver.framework node in web.config:

    <appData basePath="App_Data" />

should be changed to:

    <appData basePath="\\my_network_location\App_Data" />
Apr 19, 2015 13:38

No i want to share VPP folder so that if one page type is created by a developer and it is not checked in then creation of any page of that page type should not effect other developers

Apr 19, 2015 13:49

When you create a page type (from the code or manually in admin mode) or an instance of that page type (in edit mode), that information is stored in EPiServer database.

When you upload a file, that file is uploaded to VPP folder (file system), and reference is stored in a database.

If you share EPiServer database and / or VPP folders, whatever you do from one machine, it will affect others.

Apr 19, 2015 14:04

Exactly thats my point. If we are using a shared db. One developer creates a page type locally on his machine and code is not checked in yet. Then he creates a page of that page type which will be stored in shared db. All other developers will start getting the error because when episerver site on their local machines will try to load that page, the page type for that page will not be found on their local machines.

is their any other solution to acoid this problem?

Apr 19, 2015 14:52

Try it in practice. Some developers prefer to use shared db / blobs, others prefer not to...

I've been using shared db / vpp folders since EPiServer 6 came out, and never had problems. Developers spend more time coding than browsing the website :)

Apr 19, 2015 15:06

We have already tried this. If there exist a page whose page type is not your code then the site admin module ll not load. It will give error while loading site menu. Can you please explain how do you share vpp folder. Is there anything left unchanged in my web.config?

Apr 19, 2015 16:47

That's strange. I just tested this with EPiServer 8.3.0

I'm sharing DB / blobs between my machine and test server. On my machine, I created a new page type called TestPageType and created an instance of that page type under the start page.

On test server, when I open page types in admin mode, it says that code for this page type is not available: http://s10.postimg.org/mtczkhlbd/admin.png

When I open edit mode, page tree loads fine, I can even click on that page, but I won't get a preview: http://s15.postimg.org/sn22dkwff/edit.png

I don't get any errors.

I didn't share modules, etc. I only changed connection string, appData basePath and the url for IndexingService.svc

Apr 20, 2015 10:15

Thanks Dejan! i will try your way. i really hope it will solve my problem as well

Can you please elaborate why you need to change indexing service url in order to share the app data and DB?

Edited, Apr 20, 2015 11:51

Because of that search box in edit mode: http://s13.postimg.org/ag9w52ffb/search.png

Apr 20, 2015 11:57
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