Skip required properties screen



I'm working on EPiServer 8 and I want to skip screen which appears when we choose create new page.

Current scenario

1. Editor clicks add new page.

2. He Chooses type of page what he want

3. He is able to fill only required fields and clicks create new

4. Editor opens on edit screen and he is able to fill all data of article 

Desired scenario

1. Editor clicks add new page.

2. He Chooses type of page what he want

3. Editor opens on edit screen and he is able to fill all data of article - here he need also to fill required fields so he will not be able to publish site without filling data properly.

Is this possible to achieve or are there some limitations?



Jul 09, 2015 14:16


you could do this by adding a custom validator. Check out this blogpost:

If you use the code at "2. Validation of properties that exists on a specific pagetype.", change the severity to "ValidationErrorSeverity.Error". This way the editor will not be able to save until the property has been set. Remember to change "BasePage" to your specific page type, with the corresponding property to validate.

Jul 20, 2015 15:52
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