Save visitor Group information in database



I am using visitor group criteria in my application which uses EPiServer CMS 9 on Cloud environment.

EPiServer saves visitor group information in cookies at client side (For example, No of Visits to website, No fo hits to perticular page etc).

Along with this we will create custom visitor group criterias which will take user information from database.

Now, We want to save all these information which is saved in cookies to be saved in our own database as well, so that we will have user behavior track.

How can we achieve this, for example for criteria like No of Visits to website, No fo hits to perticular page along with user identification like cookie ID or something to be saved in database.

So by this, we want to save each user cookie information in our database.

Else, is there any reporting tool or something in episerver from where we will get all this information aggregated?


Sanket Mahimkar

Jan 26, 2016 15:53

Well, for personalization, visitor groups is definitely your best friend. 

For statistics about general usuage, conversion rate, no of visits etc I would recommend using Google Analytics or a similar tool. Visitor groups isn't really the best tool for this customer need I would say. There is also a nice Google Analytics addon that you can use for editors so they will always have the latest statistics

Jan 26, 2016 16:32

Hi Daniel,

Thanks for quick reply!!

Actually we want to save each User's cookie information (ex. No of Visits etc) and User profile information(Custom visitor criterias ex.User's number of contracts, Type of contract etc) in same database.

We want to use this information for our advanced purpose. Google analytics will give information about only visited pages and clicks, we will not be able to get info about other criterias like Visitor categories, User Role, IP range or any custom we create.

So, basically I want to read these user cookie information that is stored through "visitor group criteria" at client side or somehow get it during user interaction with website, along with User profile information which I will get from third party system(SAP for example) and create my own user behaviour database.

One more thing is users can be logged in or not logged in (Guest Visitors). How can I store non logged in users identification(cookie ID or something) which afterwords I will replace with actual user id once user creates his/her profile.

So overall , just want to know first, is it possible to develope? if yes how can I achieve this?


Sanket Mahimkar

Jan 26, 2016 17:06
* You are NOT allowed to include any hyperlinks in the post because your account hasn't associated to your company. User profile should be updated.