Using AD login (SSO) AND SQL users for site



I have a question regarding Single Sign On on an Episerver site. Unfortunately the episerver support hasn't been able to give me a direct answer, so therefore I'm turning to you gurus out there.

My client has an episerver site, an intranet. The client wants to have two different types of users:

1. Users in their Active Directory

2. SQL Users (people outside of the intranet who needs access to the site)

The login works fine for both types of users, although the client now wants the AD users (sitting in the same domain) not having to login to the site (single sign on).

The documentation here found are recommending Federated Security, simply an install/config on the iis and some modifications to the config of the project. 

The example in the documentation for setting up SSO prompts one to Disable Role and Membership Providers. Which will result in the loss of SQL membership provider functionality.

According the the support, as far as they know you can only use Windows Authentication and AD while using Federated Security. 

Has anyone found a workaround or know how to make this possible using alternatives?


Jan 22, 2016 8:29

Not sure if this is helpful, but trying anyway :-) One scenario I've researched before is combining Forms (your SQL users) and Windows authentication in IIS. It requires that the server is on the domain, and some fancy redirects to trigger the automatic login for AD users. There are some (pretty old by know) articles about this out there (not related to Episerver).


Jan 22, 2016 19:51
* You are NOT allowed to include any hyperlinks in the post because your account hasn't associated to your company. User profile should be updated.