How to init Dojo from modules/_protected?



I have built a small plugin that works just fine when the views are placed under Views in my deafult project. To get Episerver to load dojo I use:

If I check the source code after this I can see that Episerver has loaded a ton of script tags like these:

and so on...

When I place everything in modules/_protected nothing is loaded, I can olny see this:

The feeling is that dojo is not loaded correctly so does anyone know how to load dojo correctly from a module?

Maybe I can use Episervers layout file (cshtml) for edit mode or something?



Nov 07, 2016 20:19

Ok, so I finnaly solved this one as well. You need to define what dojo/dijit modules to use to get Episerver to load what you need.

require(["dijit/layout/BorderContainer", "dijit/layout/TabContainer", "dijit/layout/ContentPane", "dgrid/Grid", "dojo/domReady!"], function (Grid) {


If you have this Episerver, or I guess dojo, will load all the files needed.


Nov 09, 2016 13:13
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