Navigate to block referenced by ContentReference property


I have a property that references a global block and I would like to navigate to that block in the editor view. This is possible for blocks inside a content area, where you can click Edit in the dropdown. For some reason blocks referenced in ContentReference properties are not displayed in the same way as when they're referenced inside ContentAreas, which is really what I'd like. Does anyone have an idea of how to achieve this?

Nov 21, 2016 17:06

Check out this blog post:

It will allow you to double click content reference properties in order to navigate to it

Edited, Nov 22, 2016 11:50

@Per thanks for the link! Looks way better than the standard behaviour though I still would prefer it to look and behave exactly like blocks do in ContentAreas/Folders

Nov 22, 2016 15:25

Yeah, it a nice improvement without too much custom code. Keep in mind that the custom functionality might break when upgrading episerver to later version though.

Nov 22, 2016 15:34
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