Preview Unavailable error while loading page in Edit mode CMS 10.3



I recently updated my application to CMS 10.3 which is hosted on Azure cloud. Now, In edit mode for some of the pages while laoding in edit mode gives following error:

Preview Unavailable

Failed to load the preview within the given time constraints.

In console, it shows red in Network tab to:

?epieditmode=True (canceled) document widgets.js:2

Hope, someone have solution to this.

Thanks & Regards,

Sanket Mahimkar

Dec 30, 2016 15:41

Hi again Sanket. 

As I mentioned in the other thread this can be resolved by increasing the timeout by setting an appSetting:

    <!-- Set iframe timeout to 20 seconds -->
    <add key="episerver:ui:PreviewTimeout" value="20000" />

More information can be found here:

Jan 16, 2017 10:49
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