Page Structure - Create Start Page under Root or within a container page?


I'm wondering what is considered best practice for CMS site page structure.  Often I find myself creating pages that live outside of the main site navigation.  Should these live as siblings to the Start page, or should they be child pages under the Start page?  If they should be siblings of the Start page, should I wrap the Start page plus all of these ancillary pages up and put them under some sort of container page?  Two particular things I'm trying to keep in mind are:  content import/export, and future expansion to multi-site.

Not sure if it was just a bug with the particular version I worked on last (8.something), but I wasn't able to export EVERYTHING under root... I had to select a page under root and then export all of that content.

Multi-site expansion -- if this project I'm on expands in the future to be multi-site, will having everything contained in either the Start page or a custom container page make that expansion easier?

Thanks in advance!

Feb 01, 2016 17:30

Regardless of where you put the start page it will only export blocks and media that are referenced by pages through the user interface.  You can how ever thorough code export the media and blocks as well.

It depends on your multi site setup to understand if a container page makes sense.  How much of the content will be shared.  

Feb 02, 2016 7:54
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