EPiserver projects comments and tblActivityLog(aka tblChangeLog pre v9


Hi All

A few questions and finding  - may be for episerver to have a quick read. Sorry for boring looking post.

We are in the process of rolling out EPiserver projects for content collaboration based on its current set of featues (no modification or enhancement yet). However, we've noticed a strange issue where project comments were failing on our test environment .

After doing some profiling and debugging we found that it was creating the comments but failing to load. What I found that it saves comments in tblActivityLog (previously called tblChangeLog). And due to large number of data in tblActivityLog episerver '/episerver/stores/activities' call was timing out while reading comments from that table.

I've manually cleaned up tblActivityLog and it all works. That leads me to ask few questions

  • Why episerver is storing comments into tblActivityLog where the primary purpose of this table was to store content change log. Is this by design or bug?
  • Having said that we can truncate or totally clean up the tblActivitylog thats mean all of your comments are deleted as well.
  • If the project comments are meant to store by design in tblActivityLog then why episever fails to read comments (note increasing episerver.datastore databasequerytimeout does not make any difference) Should this be considered as bug itself keeping in mind tblActivityLog can contain large amount of change log data based on your organisation requirement. In that case project comments are never going to work?
  • Does episerver recommend any threshold for tblActivityLog in terms of its size i.e if your entries go beyond an 'x' number then episerver features such as project or any other featuire which query this table will not work such as currently truncate change log job also failed with the error 'no entries to delete' whereas I can see entries older than 1 month?
  • I'm still not able to get my head around behind the rational of storing comments into this table?

We were soon planning to start using projects on our live site but with the current size of tblActivityLog projects are not going to work unless we delete it . Can someone from episerver please shed some lights and thoughts on this? Happy to provide any further information but quite keen to know if above scanario contains few bugs.

EPiServer version  9.6



Mar 24, 2016 1:24

There has been a lot of performance optimization done to the loading of activities and comments in the latest version. Try updating both UI and Core packages to the latest.

Mar 30, 2016 9:45

The truncation algorithm was designed with the assumption that a project is a "shortlived" entitiy that lives for a while and then when published it will be deleted (that is how projects worked in the beginning). Now projects have changed to be continuous, so we have now changed/fixed the truncation algorithm according to this. The fix is done and will be sent for QA for testing and then released.
Otherwise it is not recommended to do manual deletes from tblActivityLog (at least when the bugfix is released it should not be nessecary to do manual deletes). There is a scheduled job that takes care of truncation and the recommendation is to have it enabled with a scheduled execution (e.g. once a day).

Apr 06, 2016 12:00

Hi Johan

We have upgraded to the lates version 9.12.0 and Change log truncate job still does not work - it comes with the message "

No entries were ready to be deleted.

Can you please confirm if this bug was actually fixed?



Jul 20, 2016 19:14
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