How to autofulfill title and alt on image selection after Select Content dialog submission?


I would like know how to autofulfill image properties title and alt on picture choose in Insert/Edit Image dialog window as is foreshadowed in following pictures.

Image choose dialog

Insert/Edit Image dialog

Edited, Oct 05, 2017 14:57

you can subsribe to ContentSaving event and alter image data there.

public class ImgProcessingSetup : IInitializableModule
	public void Initialize(InitializationEngine context)
		var emitter = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance<IContentEvents>();
		emitter.CreatedContent += OnImageCreated;

	public void Uninitialize(InitializationEngine context)
		var emitter = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance<IContentEvents>();
		emitter.CreatedContent -= OnImageCreated;

	private void OnImageCreated(object sender, ContentEventArgs args)
		// do the magic here
Oct 08, 2017 11:58


Thanks for advice but I am affraid there are neither in sender nor args accesible properties or fields relevant to description (img attribute alt) and title (img attribute title).

There is a file image.js (image.js.uncompressed.js) where exist property updateImageData in variable ImageDialog like code beneath.

updateImageData : function() {
		var f = document.forms[0], t = ImageDialog;

		if (f.width.value == "")
			f.width.value = t.preloadImg.width;

		if (f.height.value == "")
			f.height.value = t.preloadImg.height;

I need de facto the same functionality but for setting the description (alt) and title (title). There is laso tinyMCEPopup class with onInit event that could server for this purpose.

Edited, Oct 09, 2017 9:30
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