FriendlyUrls in CollectionEditor when using PropertyList<T>


I have a PropertyList that has a POCO with a URL property and some other properties. I already modified the CollectionEditor so that it shows thumbnails instead of showing ContentIds.

The default implementation however for URL's is to print out a "/link/{guid}.aspx" inside the cell.

My question is now how do I translate an internal url "/link/{guid}.aspx" to a friendly url within a dojo module?

Do I use one of the registed stores to parse the url to a friendly url? or can I return the friendly url from the server side instead?

Edited, Nov 07, 2017 14:13

Please check

Hope it helps.

Nov 09, 2017 8:24

Thanks for the link, it is not exactly what I am looking for but it has giving me some ideas.

I may be able to create a custom MetadataHandler for the property in question and change the value before returning it to the client.

Nov 10, 2017 9:09
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