Suggest related blogs for a CMS site



I am creating a CMS blogs website, I want to suggest links of 3 related blogs within the actual blog.

Exampe: When the user clicks on Blog B1, the blog page opens up with it's content and below the blog there are suggestions of 3 links of other related blogs for the user. It is very similar to products suggestions in Commerce. But this being a pure CMS site, I am not able to know where to start. Any idea or add ons I could use?

Mar 23, 2018 18:40

That's exactly what the new Advance (Episerver product) will do. Not sure if they have documentation on it yet though. 

Mar 23, 2018 19:54

If you dont have Advance yet, you may have to take the manual approach. You can use categories and ask content editors to tag all blogs and then use the API to surface similar blogs ordered by date. The other option is to add a IList<ContentReference> property to each blog and ask content authors to manually assign some related blogs for each blog. 

Mar 23, 2018 20:39

@Aniket, thanks again for reaching out. I am acutally tagging the blogs already, by default I am filtering the articles based on the category and then ordering them by date. Was looking for any other way to approach the suggestions piece as getting the latest would be redundant in my case.

Mar 23, 2018 20:47

The other option you can try is More/Like search functionality. You can pass it the blog content to retrieve similar blogs. Something like this:

var firstBlogPost = //Some indexed blog post about guitars
var secondBlogPost = //Another blog post about guitars

searchResult = client.Search<BlogPost>()
    .Filter(x => !x.Id.Match(firstBlogPost.Id))

More information here:

Mar 23, 2018 20:58

Thanks Aniket, this approach should be good for me.

Mar 23, 2018 21:08

If you have Find then MoreLike is a great option yes. Using categories is also a great option for the simple cases.

For the future the Advance functionality that is based on machine learning will be really cool way to pick related content that matches the current user.

Mar 24, 2018 14:48
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