Globalization/Site in different languages


In trying to make the site work for another language as eg french other than the default english languge. It seems to be not able to access the global assets/images/resource files

as for eg: http://localhost:16640/globalassets/home/mediae_herobanner.jpg

works ok for english site but for french site it is looking for:


And it does not find it. How to make same images work for all international sites?



May 10, 2018 21:55

Hmm, that seems strange. The route that handles media request is by default not registered with language segment (since media types by default is not localizable). So the url http://localhost:16640/fr/globalassets/home/mediae_herobanner.jpg should not have that "fr" segment in there (which likely is causing a 404 when requested for). The question is then why the language segment is added? Have you done any extensions/modifications to routing such as adding event handlers to IContentRouteEvents, added custom routes?

May 11, 2018 8:49
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